Man, Dracula must REALLY like the sound of his own voice…

This week Dracula teases his master plan, while bringing Doc up-to-speed on the origins of his metamorphosis and the creation of the Fish-Vampires. But, never – NEVER – will he reveal his most guarded secret…the origin of the MULLET!

Seriously though, this page is interesting to me for a weird writerly reason. Ya see, Dracula fills Doc in on information that you already know (if you read The Lost Chapter of Dracula, that is), so the reader is a step ahead of Doc in that instance. However, at the end of the page Doc sees Dracula’s dastardly plan laid out before him, while you can only guess at what Doc found to be so shocking, hidden from the reader’s view on those blueprints. So, over the course of one page you (the reader) and Doc (the character) switch roles, from the informed to the uninformed. See, I told you it was a weird writer reason…

And, I must say, “Edison’s Mother, indeed!” I LOVE the last panel on this page. Danilo is the MASTER of what I like to call the “dramatic lighting from below technique”, and he pulls out all the stops here!

Anyway, be here NEXT WEEK when Dracula’s EVIL SCHEME is finally revealed! This one’s a DOOZY, folks – DO NOT miss it. I recommend having a flashlight on-hand so that you can recreate Doc’s dramatic reaction because in just 7 days you will be just as AGAST when you witness the true HORROR of Dracula’s plan! Make sure to RSS, Like, or Follow unless you hate HUGE reveals.

Oh, and many thanks to all those who voted for the Daredevils at Top Web Comic last week. We moved up the charts quite a bit! However, we’re still only in the mid-200s, so you’re going to have to keep on a’ keeping on clicking if you want to see the DDD proudly sitting on the front page. Once your fingers hurt from sustained, vigorous voting, take a load off at the ThreeOneFive café and enjoy a hot, steaming pile of Sunday Bonus Lunch. That whole last sentence sounds REALLY gross…

Anyways, till next week!
