Lady Godalming Made Flesh!
What better way to kick-off the first DDD comic page of the new decade than with a bit of good ol’ fashioned FAN SERVICE. God knows, you guys deserve it.
Note: If you are fairly new to the DDD world, or your memory is a little rusty, and you are wondering what the heck a “Lady Godalming” is be sure to check-out one of the BEST DDD stories to date – PITCH BLACK DAY.
Be here NEXT WEEK to see just who has the temerity to call Abby a WENCH! You will NOT be disappointed…
Till next time!
Oh Myy! Definitely an inspired wardrobe…by Frank Frazetta.
Yes, indeed! The Master!
I am going to hazard a guess that My Lady’s Clan hails from a warm weather climate.
They should be commended for their valuable addition to armor, being the self adhesive Pauldrons.
Actually, if you look closely in panel 2 you can see a little strap the wraps around her upper arm/armpit area.
We strive for realism EVEN when the characters are in a surreal setting!
Oh. My bad…
Nah. You should know by now, T. Gatto, that you can never do any wrong around these parts.
Oh Abby, what have you gotten yourself into THIS time? No matter, I’d be more than happy to help you get out of it.
Wouldn’t we all.
Though, Abby doesn’t strike me as they type who would need help from a schlub like me.
Bah, details, details! It’s the thought that counts, right?