Funeral for a friend…

This week we officially kick-off End(s) of the Earth(s) on a somber note with the funeral of McGinty. On one hand, it is a moment of reflection where we provide some emotional catharsis for the Daredevils, after the tragic conclusion to Pitch Black Day. However, it is also moment where we look ahead, as Deveraux does in the last panel, to new mysteries and dangers that lay ahead.

And, while it is indeed an important moment for the story and the characters, it is even more important MILESTONE for the Deep Dive Daredevils SAGA. You see, up until now each individual DDD adventure has been a separate entity with relatively little connective tissue, but starting now that all changes. Each new entry will lead directly into the next with character arcs that develop over the course of multiple stories – all-building to an EPIC crescendo at the end of each mega-arc.

The PAST was but prologue. The FUTURE begins now!

Speaking of the future, be here NEXT WEEK for one of the most BEAUTIFUL pages ever to hit the blotter! Smilton is back behind the DDD drawing board and his work is more impressive than ever. In just 7 days, you will be dazzled by a breathtaking vista and troubled by OMINOUS rumblings!

Hey! Have I mentioned the MAILING LIST? Y’know, the one under the blinky radio tower thing at the top of the left side bar? Oh, I have? COOL. You should totally join because something AWESOME is just over the horizon and we want to tell you all about it!

Seriously though, we had a pretty nice surge of mailing list sign-ups last week after offering a first look at this week’s page, but I know for a fact there are still a TON of Daredevilers who have yet to sign up. SO…WHAT ELSE CAN I BRIBE YOU GUYS/GALS WITH!? Drop some suggestions/requests in this week’s comments and I’ll see what we can do to sweeten the deal.

As always, make sure to mosey on over to the blog for the Sunday Bonus Lunch. In this week’s installment, Evin shamelessly congratulates himself for a job well done on the End(s) of the Earth(s) cover.

Anyways, till next week!
