In a World of Blood, Bone, and Steel…
Hoo Boy! These pages are really flowing nicely for me. The visual storytelling is constructed like a movie – quick cutting between different views on the action; juxtaposed with a cohesive 3rd person narration tying it all together.
Regardless, the truth is, these last few pages have been, above all, a SET UP.
Be here next week for the punchline…emphasis on PUNCH!
Till next time…
Hmmm this is definitely a setup for something big…but how will this play out?
I see what you did there with the Metallica reference — nice.
Nice catch. Your No-Prize is in the mail!
Welcome Aboard Adventure!
He’s going to challenge her to a fiddle contest.
You win.
It does seem that the tanker driven by Punk Hitler has just swamped as well as the ludicrous thingy that escaped from a Godzilla movie (and driven by the two-headed Hitler)- could this be an inadvertent double play?
Still wishing the Black Ship with McGinty and Deveraux would make an appearance.
I second this wish.
Yeah, I miss them too…
But, those boys did their time on this mortal coil, with all its miseries and mayhem.
Now, they’re sailing in the perpetual blue skies of the hereafter!