Beyond Familiar Shores Phase One – Part One is in The Books!

We’ve never done a Titles/Credits page before, so this is something new for us. Our esteemed Letterer/Designer, Ben Timmreck, put this BAD BOY together for us and I think it is très cool. I hope y’all are digging it, as well.

A bit of housekeeping:

1. “Phase One – Part One.” What the heck does that mean? I’m glad you asked. The short answer is that Beyond Familiar Shores is going to be a long-ass story. When it is all said and done it will be somewhere in the vicinity of three times longer than the biggest stories in Volume One.

Each “Phase” will have three “Parts” and in the end there will be a total of three “Phases.” Sounds complicated? Don’t worry, all you have to do is keep reading, one page at a time!

2. NEXT WEEK we unveil the COVER for Beyond Familiar Shores! It is, by far, the WEIRDEST cover to date. You do not want to miss it!

3. In TWO WEEKS, they story re-commences with the start of Phase One – Part Two. We are going BACK to the FUTURE and reconnecting with an OLD CHUM. I know you are going to love it!

Till next time!
