You’re Just Too Young To Understand…

I find myself saying that more and more these days. To all my fellow Gen Xers out there, admit it, we ain’t spring chickens anymore. We are fast approaching the 35th anniversaries of Pearl Jam’s Ten and Nirvana’s Nevermind. Let that sink in.
And Millennials you aren’t far behind either!

Anyway, I’m rattling about time because I just completed another trip around the sun and I’m feeling old. Especially since it was basically a premature senior moment which caused me to blow posting this page last week. I just totally forgot. Didn’t realize it until I woke up the next morning. 


On the bright side, today, we begin a new batch of pages…as the END comes oh so frightfully NEAR. Be here NEXT WEEK (unless, you know, my brain stops working again)…

Till next time!
