Gotta Admit…You Don’t Hear That One Everyday.
Considering the abject lunacy of the statement, “We’ve managed to get our submarine…stuck in the hull of the battle station,” I think the commander of Custer’s Cavalry, whomever that may be, responded with a relatively low level of incredulity. Come to think of it he was probably desensitized by his earlier encounter, at some point, with the Daredevils. Weird $#!%, as you know, is their stock in trade.
By the way, how was Evin’s blog last week…TL:DR.
Be here NEXT WEEK, as the battle for the FATE of the GIGA-VERSE begins in earnest!
Till next time…
Oh, yeah… That thing…
Did I just hear a “Hoo-Rah!” oh….now the reich is in real trouble!
Since their sub is made of wood, I think they should just pop it out with a giant corkscrew.
Or maybe they could shake up a few hundred thousand cans of soda pop (or one really frickin’ big one) then open them all at once, and just watch it pop!
Seems like twitchy’s speciality really…
All perfectly reasonable suggestions.
Whelp- one more Hitler about to go to that great cesspool in the sky, dragging along the headless corpse of his boytoy. Meanwhile, how fares the redhead against Hitler-san? It’s getting dangerous to be a Hitler these days… low survival ratio, it would appear. Imagin a trophy wall loaded with heads… hmmm… naw- too ugly. Besides, very few are left intact.
I think they can detail a few destroyers to deal with the tanker.