It’s me, Evin, the humble artistic genius behind the covers of this
little series that has captured our imaginations for the past twelve
or so years. As Matt has said, the time has finally come for our grand
finale. Proudly, “Our Fearful Trip is Done” marks the end of the
adventures of the stalwart crew of the Custer. It has been a pleasure
to create a tale that has been read and loved by dozens *ahem*
Hundreds *ahem* THOUSANDS of people every Tuesday, and as the
co-writer of the book, I wanted to talk to you all again, here at the

It is with great pride and a tinge of sadness that I present to you
the final cover in the webcomic run. I’ll let you discuss what you
think it means, instead I wanted to talk to you about the 315. When
the comic started I didn’t know how to use photoshop, or illustrator,
or what color theory was. All I knew was if the 315 was going to make
this thing happen, I was going to have to learn some new skills. We
all would. And so we did. Dan learned some coding stuff in order to
get the page up and running, the pinnacle of which was the now defunct
Decoder Ring – Now he has a great job doing that kind of thing. Matt
learned how to read and write at a simple basic remedial level – and
now he has a job doing that kind of thing. And for a while I had a
job doing Graphic Design, but I gave that up to manage artists
instead. The backstory of the Deep Dive Daredevils is the backstory
of Matt, Dan and Evin too. Maybe we’re not rich off it, but it
kickstarted our careers, allowed us to better our lives, and gave us
the chance us to keep telling the story of the Daredevils beyond what
we ever thought possible. I digress.

Let’s not dwell on the beginnings or endings of things, DAREDEVILLERS.
Instead, let us celebrate the incredible journey that we’ve all been a
part of. As we close this chapter and bid farewell to our beloved
characters, I want to thank you all again for your unwavering support
and dedication. YOU have made this webcomic what it is today, and we
can only hope that it will continue to inspire and perhaps even
delight readers for years to come as back issues.

So, dear DAREDEVILLERS, let us raise a glass to the end of this
fearful trip and the beginning of new adventures. One last time…
