The Finale of DDD Volume One, Part 2!
Every ADVENTURE the Deep Dive Daredevils have embarked on…every DANGER they’ve overcome…every VILLAIN they’ve faced down…NONE of it can possibly prepare them to confront the NEW face of EVIL…The COUNCIL of HITLERS!*
For those who haven’t been keeping score at home, as of now DDD is officially on HIATUS.
I know, I know, it’s bad enough that we are going on hiatus at all, but leaving you hanging on a MASSIVE cliffhanger like this is just plain mean (Insert maniacal laughter). Well, they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, so that’s something right? If that doesn’t work for you, think of it as the Season Finale of a TV show, and rest assured that soon enough we’ll be back and better than ever with the premiere of Season Two!
Speaking of BETTER than EVER, that is the whole point of the hiatus. We’re not going to be sitting back, relaxing, and kicking up our heels during our time off. No, sir. In fact, I’m happy to report that Danilo is already drawing new DDD pages, and I have already scripted quite a ways beyond where he’s at. The only thing that has changed is now we aren’t beholden to a deadline. We don’t have to cut any corners or make any compromises.
Let me tell you, there’s a reason we’re doing this now rather than six months ago or six months in the future, and that’s because BEYOND FAMILIAR SHORES is going to be THE definitive DDD story. What’s the back story of the Captain? Doc? The Submarine? What is the Giga-Reich’s beef with the Daredevils? Where did Deveraux go off to? All of these questions and MORE will be answered in BEYOND FAMILIAR SHORES. We’re taking our time to make DARN sure that we deliver the best DDD adventure EVER when we make our triumphant return.
And, when pray tell will we be making that aforementioned triumphant return? Well…that all depends on how quickly and smoothly production goes on the upcoming pages. As soon as we have enough pages in the bank to create a comfy buffer we’ll return to our regularly scheduled weekly update.
In the meantime, the best way to keep in touch is to join the DDD EMAIL NEWSLETTER (enter your email address at the top of the left side-bar, under the radio tower) where I will be sending out a monthly update, including cool behind-the-scenes material and sneak peeks at upcoming artwork.
We’ll also be shouting from the rooftops on Facebook and Twitter prior to our return, so Like and or Follow accordingly if you want to be kept in the loop.
Whew! Well, Daredevilers, for now I think that’s it… actually there IS one more thing. When I look back at where we started from where we are now, it honestly boggles my mind. It started out so innocently, just a boy, his dog, a wacky submarine, and a dream. But, now it is SO MUCH more than that! And, I’m not talking about the 150 pages we’ve posted, or the print edition we distributed through Kickstarter (though both are things we are proud of). I’m talking about the fact that over the last 3 years DDD has become a COMMUNITY. That is the thing I am the MOST proud of, and what I will miss the most while we are away – interacting with you guys/gals every week.
Thanks again for reading! It means the world to us. And, remember, this is JUST the BEGINNING!
Talk to you soon!
*If anyone out there can correctly name the inspiration/identifier for each of the Hitlers, you will receive the final NO PRIZE of Volume One!
I see Big Toe, from “The Road Warrior”, Professor X, David Bowie from “Labrynth”, Robbie the Robot/B-9 from “Lost in Space/Forbidden Planet” (I always get them confused), Possibly Girl Hitler from the “Venture Brothers”, Too many Zombie Hitler references for me to pick just one, and I will have to work on the rest.
Not Zombie, but Frankenstein!Hitler. And the hits just keep on comin’…
Robby the Robot appeared in “Forbidden Planet” and
“The Invisible Boy”, as well as many other cameos, including one episode of “Lost in Space”. It was suit worn by Frankie Darro.
The bubble headed robot in “Lost in Space” was simply billed as “The Robot”. It was suit worn by Bob Mays.
Bingo, Crazyman, that is indeed FrankenHitler.
And, Ditto to Miserchord, that is indeed a riff on B-9 from Lost in Space.
Thanks for playing, T.Gatto!
Big Toe!Hitler from “The Road Warrior”, Professor X!Hitler, Goblin King!Hitler (David Bowie from “Labyrinth”), Robot!Hitler (from “Lost in Space”), Empress!Hitler (from the tarot cards), Frankenstein!Hitler, King Arthur!Hitler. So, do I win?
Good job both of you! (The Emress Hitler is in fact inspired on Queen Victoria, I don´t know how Matt will name her…)
But don´t forger the other half of the page…
Yep, you got the closest, Crazyman.
You only missed one, mistaking Blond/Aryan Hitler for Old Hitler. While T.Gatto, missed two – unsure on the robot reference and mistaking FrankenHitler for a Zombie Hitler.
Your NO PRIZE is in the mail!
In addition to Matt´s proposal, I would like to know, readers, which is your favorite Hittler…
Mine is the samurai, and the Queen, so far…
I think my favorite, so far, is Old-Timey Wrestler Hitler. I have some big plans for him!
My favorite is Big Toe Hitler, for a number of reasons.
1- You nailed the look and attitude.
2- One of my favorite movies growing up.
3- He represents (to me at least) all the misguided Neo Nazis, who don’t understand the image/cool factor of the Nazis was all just smoke and mirrors covering over a hollow reign of death and inhumanity.
4- I like the Mohawk.
Yes, the wrestler Hitler was very fun to draw too… and the old one in the wheel-chair…
Good point T.Gatto !
Agreed. Great point, T. Gatto.
For our purposes we will be dealing with the Nazis as the worlds premiere mustache twirling villains and leaving most of the horrible stuff to the side.
So, underneath the fun story aspect, it is important to remember just how awful Hitler and the Nazis actually were.
I like the Empress most of all…especially since she doesn’t have that stupid moustache. And no, you can’t go back and “fix” it! [Why yes, I do prefer the original version of the original "Star Wars" trilogy, why do you ask?]
The double-header’s left head looks like he’s catching a nap… imagene a speach from this freak- Right head drones on about “Ein Reich, einVolk, Vielen Furoren…” and the left head wakes up and moans “…. braaaaiiiins…”- then you have a “Hitler in a Corset” as well as a “Tin Can Hitler”… wait…. NO TELETUBBIES?!? OR SMURFS?!? Imagene a ‘Fab Four’ who preach the gospel of hate with rock & roll- hits include;
1) Happiness is a warm Schmeisser
2) Death Camp Fields forever
3) I want to hold your gold
4) If I heil
5) Maxwell’s silver Maschinegewer
6) We all live in a yellow Unterseeboot
7) Sgt. Pepper’s heavy firepower Band
9) While my POW gently weeps
10) Baby you can drive my Panzer
… and many, many more- BUT WAIT! It ALSO comes with a complete set of ginsu bayonettes- they slice and dice and make mounds and mounds of Jew fries… OK, I will go take my medications… as if they help…
I think you forgot one “While My Stuka Gently Weeps”
“Baby you can drive my Panzer” is hilarious, Sarge.
Actually, #9 sings about a crying prisoner of war… but how about “While my Stuka loudly SHRIEKS”..?
Is the 2 headed hitler a reference to Zaphod Beeblebrox?
I picked up on this when the good Sgt. pointed out that 1 head was sleeping.
a hitler-robbie the robot…..just…wow….You win this time Skynet!
OK- starting on previous page left to right-
1) Hitler-San, a cheap Japanese copy good as an ornamental piece, impossible to understand or work with but can suck up a few bullets
2) THIS is your Hitler on steroids- any questions? Strong like ox-smart like tree. Can suck a few bullets.
3) First clone attempt- didn’t quite work out too good. IQ has been split between the brains with the one on the right getting 83… out of 98… makes for good propaganda images but totally incapable of original thought. Can suck up a few bullets.
4) Hitler gone Hollywood. Sorry ladies, he’s gay. Sucks more than bullets
5) The one and only original… who wants the others shot immediately. NEEDS to suck a few bullets, but eventually will in April of 1945- by his own hand.
(Next page)
6) Hitler’s life-long fantasy… to be a woman. Will suck a bullet
7) upper- Frankenschiklegruber. Don’t ask why. Sucks bullets. LOTS of bullets
8 ) lower- Hitler Mage. Can make a democracy disappear. Can also suck a few bullets
9) upper- Hitler in a Can. Does not compute. Great target practice for .22LR
10)middle- Uber-Punk Hitler. Can be disabled with a strong magnet that locks his piercings together. Great comic relief. Can suck a few bullets.
11)lower- Adolf Fogey. Another experiment gone wrong. Slow ground speed. Slower thought speed. Can suck a few bullets.
12) His Imbecility, Adolf the Worst. Suffers from delusions of adequacy. Actually thinks he is in charge. Quite a nuisance. Due to plate armor, pistol ammo is marginal on this fool- use your M-1 Garand. Do not waste ammo on head, nothing there.
Gentlemen, THESE are your targets- each one is worth a field promotion. Bag any four and come back alive, we will retire you at full benefits for double your rank. NO PRISONERS!!!
well said and Amen….now where did the quartermaster put that hyperballistic ammunition….
@Danilo: Queen Victoria actually held the title Empress of India.
Beyond Familiar Shores, indeed!
Difficult to imagine it all started with a three-legged dog who needed to take a p***.
Your decision to go on hiatus to build up an adequate buffer of high-quality pages is certainly a good one. Nobody likes to wait, but we all know what happens when you rush on carelessly, and the blitzkrieg finally transforms into attrition warfare.
BTW, now that spoilers cease to be a concern, you could release the description of the BEHEMOTH (LINDWURM) from the script (see discussion two/three pages ago).
One final piece of advice: None of you guys should ever run for office in Germany; unlike the US, we don’t care much about who you sleep with, but discussing your favorite Hitler .. uh oh …
Unfortunately, you’re going to have to wait on the description of the BEHEMOTH. What we’ve seen of it so far is literally just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot of the ship still left to explore (inside and below the waves), so I am hesitant to give away its secrets just yet.
And, on discussing our “favorite” Hitlers: Yes, it is a bit awkward. I am sure that I am definitely on some government watch lists after all the online research I’ve done for this story.
Okay the only question I now have (after coming to these pages late and reading through all the comments) is how a room full of Hitlers came about? Surely we’re dealing with alternate universes here! Either that, or a generous helping of chutzpah from the authors?
Guess I will have to wait until the hiatus is finished
My own theory about the council was a bit darker – a room filled with history’s best despots and dictators, all obviously led by the Führer himself (so I went with time travel). This… man, didn’t see this coming. Classic stuff though!
Why am I thinking of Michael Moorcock and his fiction about the multiverse and the ‘Eternal Champion’ after seeing this? Was there any influence there?
As to how a room full of Hitlers came to be, well you’ll just have to wait and see.
Some, like you, have theorized alternate universes and others have suggested that they are clones. All will be revealed in good time.
I haven’t personally read and Micheal Moorcock, but I know I have heard of him before you mentioned him. I think maybe Evin or Dan might have read his stuff, which would mean that some of his influence likely leaked in to what we’re doing here.
Thanks again for reading, mkgregory! And, don’t fret, we’ll be back before you know it…
So, that would make the Behemoth the Dark Tanelorn? Verrrrry Interesting!
I think perhaps, in the DDD universe, Hitler is a seed of evil, planted throughout time and space (perhaps by the devil himself).
The seed takes root in the bowels of humanity through our inner struggles with evil as a whole.
He can therefore show up anywhere, as a personification of Evil, and come to power by exploiting our weakness, as a people.
Thus a room full Hitlers, each with different aspects, onboard a Tesseract powered juggernaut, is quite plausible, at least in the DDD scheme of things.
The room full of Hitlers is actually pretty easy to explain. Original!Hitler had a massive ego, so who else could he consult with except himself? And as for the giant submarine, well, he’s obviously compensating for something…
You must have had to do something pretty epic to piss off a room full of Hitlers, or would a gaggle of Hitlers be more appropriate?
I think the appropriate term is a “Murder” of hitlers.
I believe the technical term is a “buttload” of Hitlers.
And, can I just say, it has been WEIRD Tuesday for me with no DDD update. Hope all you Daredevilers are hanging tough out there.
We’re working hard to get back ASAP. Dan, Evin, and I are actually getting together tonight to approve another script for Danilo.
Talk to you soon!
Still no updates? *sigh* about ready to write this one off
We are deep into the development of our next story. You can join our mailing list to keep apprised of our progress, and be notified when we are set to return!
Sooooo should I call for Search and Rescue?
Not at all, TKG. We’re still alive, kicking, and making DDD comics!
It’s just that right now it’s all going on behind the scenes. For a peek behind the curtain make sure and sign up for the DDD Email Newletter (under the radio tower on top of the left side-bar).
It’s good to hear from you, man. And, rest assured, we’ll be back before you know it!
So, are we still on schedule for a February restart?
If so, any specific day of the month in mind?
Yep, we are back starting on Tuesday Feb. 2nd.
You just have to hang in there for 6 more days!
Thanks, Stan, and see ya soon…